Magneto optical Kerr Effect



Magneto-optic effect

The results of reflection from a magneto-optic material are known as the magneto-optic Kerr effect (not to be confused with the nonlinear Kerr effect).


This book is designed to provide graduate students and research beginners with an introductory review of recent developments in the field of microscopic magneto ...

Magneto‐optic effect of two‐dimensional materials and related ...

Magneto-optic effect refers to physical interaction between light and magnetic matter. When a beam of light enters a magnetic substance, the ...


Magneto-optical (MO) materials are a unique class of rare-earth iron garnets with an ideal stoichiometry of R3Fe5O12, which are suitable for ...

[PDF] A Review of Magneto-Optic Effects and Its Application

A Kerr effect is manifested as a change in polarization or in the intensity of light that is reflected from the surface of a magnetized medium, the size of ...

Integrated non-reciprocal magneto-optics with ultra

To fabricate the magneto-optic material used for all devices, a 500-nm-thick single-crystalline Ce:YIG (Ce:Y2Fe5O12) was epitaxially grown ...


These materials often have unique magnetic properties that influence the interaction with light. Examples include rare-earth garnets, iron garnets, and certain ...

A comprehensive study of magneto

Magneto-optics deals with interaction of light with matter when the magnetic-optic material is subjected to an external magnetic field. The presence of external ...


Theresultsofreflectionfromamagneto-opticmaterialareknownasthemagneto-opticKerreffect(nottobeconfusedwiththenonlinearKerreffect).,Thisbookisdesignedtoprovidegraduatestudentsandresearchbeginnerswithanintroductoryreviewofrecentdevelopmentsinthefieldofmicroscopicmagneto ...,Magneto-opticeffectreferstophysicalinteractionbetweenlightandmagneticmatter.Whenabeamoflightentersamagneticsubstance,the ...,...